Going to college? Need some college education money? I have made a short list of several ideas you may have forgotten in your search. Take a look and see if this quick list helps you stash the cash you need for the school year.
1. Got a Job? Ask your benefits office if the company offers tuition assistance.
2. Can you work for a university? Most, if not all, universities offer half or full tuition as a benefit to employees.
3. What about Mom and Dad’s Jobs? Many companies offer benefits to their employees for their children to get an education.
4. Company scholarships – especially in your community.
5. Tuition splitting, where you pay some and the company pays some.
6. Do you or your family have a private business? You may be able to create an education benefit to make your education a tax write off for the company. Even a small business can do this.
7. Release time, which lets you work at your job, but allows you to miss work for school. Can really help when you need to take that 9 am class!
8. Leadership development programs, where you go to school to get management skills and often, college credit.
9. Continuing education. Your company may offer a benefit for your to get more skills that help you do more work, get you through more of your college classes.
10. On site classes: One of the best, where the company pays a school to teach at your workplace, and you can convert the class into credit.
I could go on. Large employers typically value education and provide a way for you to enhance your skills with many if not all of the above, or more. If you work for a small company, you can still ask. If you own a small company or your family does, talk about number 6. Setting up a company benefit to offer education to employees doesn’t have to be hard. You can do this at almost any size. If you own a couple of rental buildings or apartments, for example, you could do this.
And, as a possible way to improve your chances, a couple more ideas:
– Don’t just ask your super about this. Call the benefits office. They should know the rules the best.
– Look for other programs. Sometimes the names don’t sound like free college education money, but will amount to the same thing.
– If you find nothing at your current job, think about switching jobs to a more flexible and rewarding company.
You can gather the college education money and college credits you need for a degree through these and other sources. And if you need some extra change, a few more bucks, loans will help, and you can still have the career you dream about.
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